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Adopt An Animal In Need

ELT is committed to finding furever homes for all the animals in our care. We work closely with our rescues to ensure their greatest chances of adoption. Training, socialization and lots of love are the secret ingredients to happy, healthy and adoptable animals.

But the work doesnt end there. Dogs and cats are social and emotional creatures who look to thier humans for acceptance and guidance. We only place animals in homes that we feel will provide a nuturing and healthy environment.

Alas, Adopting is not a decision that should be made lightly. Many people get overjoyed at the prospect of bringing in a new bundle of fluff and cuddles into their home and forget some of the challenges of having a dog.

 Scroll Down To See Available Animals For Adoption

Thinking Of Adopting?

Sharing your home with a four-legged friend can be one of life's greatest joys. Dogs, cats, and other pets give us unconditional loyalty and acceptance, provide constant companionship, and even help relieve stress after a hard day's work. Children also benifit from the unconditional love found in dogs and cats and can create invaluable bonds with their furry friends. 


However, animals are also a very big responsiblity, requiring a lot of time, money and commitment. (over 15 years commitment in many cases). We like to ensure that all of our rescued animals get the best furever homes possible. We are happy to work with you and your family to determine whether adopting a pet is the right choice.  

Download Our PDF Adoption Application Form And Answer A Few Questions To Begin The Process.

Adoption Fee: 100,000tsh 

Our adoption fee is 100,000 for every animal at our center, regardless of age and species. We keep the adoption fee the same for every animal to help balance out medical bills and as some require extra care, while others require less. This fee helps keep our NGO run sustainably. 100,000 is the minimum donation fee for adoption. 

Email your completed adoption form to 

or bring it with you to your appointment 

Things To Think Before You Make The Decision To Bring A Furry Friend Into Your Life

Answer The Following Questions As A Family And See If You Are Ready To Adopt!

Why Do You Want A Pet?

It's easy to forget to ask ourselves this very important question. Adopting a pet just because you 'want' an animal companion or because the kids have been pining for a puppy usually ends up being a big mistake. Don't forget that pets may be with you 10, 15, even 20 years. One of the most common inquiries we recieve is someone looking to adopt a 'kitten' or a 'puppy' for their child's birthday. Sometimes that child is 5 years old and the small kitten or puppy will advance quicker than the child will grow. Soon the kitten or puppy will be strong enough to overpower your young child and then the animal you got as a present will be ignored or shunned because he or she is too powerful or the child simply looses interest. In conclusion, adopting an animal for your child or as a present is never a good idea. Instead, the animal should be adopted as a family pet. Everyone in your family should understand the expectations and responsibilities and make the decision as a team. 

Do You Have Time For A Pet?


Dogs, cats, and other animal companions cannot be ignored just because you're tired or busy. They require food, water, exercise, care, and companionship every day of every year. Many animals in the shelter are there because their owners didn't realize how much time it took to care for them. A lot of families in Tanzania assign the responsibility of washing, feeding and walking thier dogs to their house staff. We reccomend playing a bigger role in caring for your animal as it is the best way to bond and build a trusting relationship between your family and the pet. 

Can You Afford A Pet?


The costs of pet ownership can be quite high (and sometimes unpredictable). Training classes, spaying and neutering, veterinary care, grooming, toys, food, kitty litter, and other expenses add up quickly. Also, the costs of traveling with your pet outside Tanzania is something to consider.
Are you prepared to deal with special problems that a pet can cause? Flea infestations, scratched-up furniture, accidents from animals who aren't yet housetrained, and unexpected medical emergencies are unfortunate but common aspects of pet ownership.


Are Your Living Arrangements Suitable For The Animal You Have In Mind?

Many rental communities don't allow pets. Having animals indoors can also be a new concept for many Tanzanian landlords and may take some convincing. Animal size is not the only variable to think about here. For example, some small dogs such as terriers are very active-they require a great deal of exercise to be calm, and they often bark at any noise. On the other hand, some big dogs are laid back and quite content to lie on a couch all day. Before adopting a pet, do some research. That way, you'll ensure you choose an animal who will fit into your lifestyle and your living arrangements.

Is It A Good Time For You To Adopt A Pet?

Pet ownership requires children who are mature enough to be responsible or parents with the patience to educate and stay on top of small children around the animal. If you're a student, volunteering, or travel frequently as part of your work, waiting until you settle down is wise.

Do You Know Who Will Care For Your Pet While You're Away On Vacation?


You'll need either reliable friends and neighbors or money to pay for a boarding kennel or pet-sitting service. Leaving your pets with house staff can be an option but is always also a risk depending on the situation. If you are leaving your pet with house staff, please talk to us about making sure you have everything in order for them before you depart on your trip. 

Will You Be A Responsible Pet Owner?


Having your pet spayed or neutered, committing to proper training and excersize are all part of being a responsible owner. Of course, giving your pet love, companionship, exercise, a healthy diet, and regular veterinary care are also essentials.

Finally, Are You Prepared To Keep And Care For The Pet For His Or Her Entire Lifetime?


When you adopt a pet, you are making a commitment to care for the animal for his or her lifetime. Unfortunately, we deal a lot with expats who leave animals behind when they are finished their work term. Of course there can be unforseen circumstances and in those cases you may need to find another loving home for your dog. However, when adopting you should always plan for the long-term committment as your new animal deserves no less. 

 Meet Our Amazing Animals For Adoption 

Updated July 22 2017 - We currently have 102 rescued dogs available for adoption. Not all dogs are shown here.

The Guard Dog Epidemic in Tanzania

ELT actively discourages the use of dogs for the sole purpose of guarding.

Education, Education, Education! 

Dogs in Tanzania are often seen as means of protection. As guard dogs, they spend their entire lives in solitary confinement, trapped at the end of a chain or confined to a kennel.


Puppies are often purchased from inhumane conditions and taken from their mother too soon. They are then put right away into small dark kennels never to know the kind touch of a human. They suffer through all weather extremes and are typically denied vital medical attention or any form of socialization or friendship.  

Photo taken of guard dog in Dar es Salaam

Dogs will naturally and instictly want to protect you if they feel a bond towards you and your family. The stronger the bond, the more protection a dog can offer you. There's nothing your dog wants more than to be a part of your "pack". Dogs who are socialized and enjoy life with their human “packs” are protective without being neurotic. 


Building a strong bond between your dog and your family members creates a more peaceful and controlled environment for all. Using positive reinforcement you can train your dog to be an even more effective guard who can decipher between an outside threat and someone who is accepted by a member of its pack (you). 

Dogs are social beings who thrive on interaction. In the wild, canines live, eat, sleep, and hunt with a pack as Dogs are genetically determined to live in a group. When you isolate a dog you are going against its natural way of life, causing them to suffer great psychological damage. 


Through isolation, an otherwise friendly dog becomes neurotic, unhappy, and often aggressive. People mistaken this behaviour as "trained aggression" when in reality, guard dogs are just confused, anxious and fearful animals. 

It Doesnt have to be this way...
What can be done?

In Tanzania there is the 'Animal Welfare Act (2010) which outlines specific legislation with regards to the way animals shall be treated. More specifically under section III (b) -16 (2) it states:


"a person who keeps a companion animal shall provide housing, care and attention which takes into account of its physiological and behavioural needs including: 

a) food






And section 16(4) 


"A person shall not train a companion animal in a way that causes unnecessary pain, suffering, injury or distress."

Because the ill treatment of animals is nationwide, we need to tackle animal welfare issues at every level. 


  • Police officer training on the Animal Welfare Act (2010).

  • Regular basic animal welfare training 

  • Community Outreach

  • Working together with the Animal Welfare Advisor Team, Animal Welfare Inspectors and local government authorities

  • Humane education in government schools

  • Creating educational materials in swahili on specific animal welfare related issues

  • Help law enforcement Promote and enforce the 'Animal Welfare Act (2010)  

Your donation will be directly used to fund these efforts.  

Donate Today! 

Contact Us:


Phone: +255 763576888 ~ Whatsapp: +255 763576888

Please Call To Make An Appointment Before Visiting

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